Gladney Center

Check Out Some Gladney Parent Profiles

At Gladney, you, the expectant mom, choose the family you want to place your baby for adoption...
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A View Of Gladney From An Adult Adoptee

"There is no better or greater gift in this world than the gift of life, and the women at the ...
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Hannah's Adoption Story

Adoption is an extended choice in that another family gets to love the child and really turn a...
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Your Daughter Is Pregnant. Why Should She Consider Adoption?

Why Consider Adoption? Encouraging your daughter to explore her options will demonstrate to her...
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Adoption Story By Gladney: Jessica

Jessica is a very special client. Please watch her journey from homelessness, to foster care, to...
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My 14-Year-Old Daughter Was Pregnant!

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Understanding Adoption Today

It’s important to educate yourself about modern adoption and its many benefits to your entire...
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Adoption Story By Gladney: Caitlin

Everything happens for a reason. I’ve told myself that just about every day for the past six...
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We Are Gladney. Are You?

We’re asking our Gladney Network (birth parents, adoptive parents, adoptees, friends, donors,...
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Adoption Story By Gladney: Tamara

TAMARA'S CHILD I met Sam while I was homeless in the summer of 2008. He offered to let me stay at...
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