Gladney Center

Check Out Videos Prepared By Prospective Adoptive Families

Because so many couples want to adopt, Gladney is extremely selective. For every couple chosen,...
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Adoption Story By Gladney: Andrew

My name is Andrew and I am a birth father. I was born in Iowa City, Iowa and I was placed for...
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Florida's Annual Birth Mother Adoption Celebration

Last month, Heather Rogers, Gladney's Post Adoption Caseworker, had the pleasure of joining Erica...
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Adoption Story By Gladney: Teagan

An unplanned pregnancy changes everything. Everyone has a unique story. For Teagan, a senior in...
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Who Inspires You?

Every Day Heroes: In Gladney's Dorm, we are inspired every day by women who make the sacrificial...
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Message From Gladney's Houston Adoption Team

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Adoption Story By Gladney: Stacey

I found out when I was six weeks along. Around the same time I got pregnant I was involved in a...
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Adoption Story by Gladney: Cari

My name is Cari, I’m 33 years old and I’m a Gladney birth mom of a beautiful 14-year-old girl. My...
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Adoption Story By Gladney: Raven

When I was a 17 year old junior in high school, I found out I was pregnant. There was no way I...
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