Considering adoption, choosing an agency, and selecting a family to look after and care for your baby are all heavy decisions. Even though you might feel rushed to make a choice soon, you should know that it is okay to take your time. These decisions are things that cannot be (and shouldn't be) determined in a day. As you look for adoption agencies in Arkansas, you should keep in mind that this time in your life is just a season. And because it's just a season, you should really be thinking about what comes next: a relationship with your baby and their adoptive family.
Creating an open adoption plan creates the opportunity for a birth mother to get to know her baby and their family as they grow. Many adoption agencies in Arkansas, including Gladney, offer and facilitate open adoptions. Some expectant mothers wonder if open adoptions are really as wonderful as they sound. Could an adoptive family really want a relationship? This is what Lyndsey, an adoptive mother, has to say about their open adoption:
"Adoption is not scary. I was worried about it being open and not having it completely closed, but then when you learn more about the birth mothers you don't want it to be closed. You end up finding a love for them that you didn't know you would feel."
As you continue your search for adoption agencies in Arkansas, make sure to keep an eye out for open adoptions. Gladney (who is one of the adoption agencies in Arkansas) offers you not only the option of an open adoption, but also a semi-open or closed adoption. To learn more about these choices, call an options counselor today at 800-452-3639.