I learned from the AdoptED guest speaker that adoption might just be the best option for parents who either aren’t financially stable enough, feel they are too young, don’t have a support system, were sexually assaulted, or anything like that that prohibits from giving their child the life that they deserve. I also learned the correct terminology for phrases concerning adoption. I now understand why the terms “giving up” and “putting up” for adoption aren’t appropriate and can support a negative connotation of what adoption really is.
What stood out to me the most is that Gladney is a non-profit and still provides housing, therapists, support, and forever families for the moms and their babies. It amazes me how committed they are to placing every child with a loving & caring family and how they will continue to do so until all children know the love and stability of a forever home. This has given me a new outlook on adoption and a great respect for this center and what they are doing.