In Houston adoption agencies are plentiful; however, we think the Gladney Center for Adoption is one of the best. Here are the top 4 reasons:
- Gladney has been assisting expectant mothers create adoption plans for over 130 years.
- Gladney is one of a few adoption agencies to offer a maternity home. A home where an expectant mother can live during her pregnancy as she makes an adoption plan for her child if she desires.
Gladney has two amazing counselors in the Houston area that are available to walk with an expectant mother through her adoption journey. Amy Shore and Kathy Suchon work tirelessly as advocates for the expectant mother.
- Each month, our Gladney team offers a birth mother support group. Birth mothers can expect to find a safe, kind, and supportive environment in which we hope they feel comfortable sharing their experiences as well as creating long lasting friendships with women who have shared in a similar experience.
Want more information on how the adoption option can work for you? Let's talk today.
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Gladney Center for Adoption | 14530 Wunderlich Dr, Ste 201 | Houston, TX 77069 | 713-665-1212