Gladney Adoption Blog

Adoption Profiles: The Key to Finding a Loving Family for Your baby

Written by Gladney Center | Jul 27, 2017 3:51:00 PM

You wake up in the morning, and even before you grab your first cup of coffee, you check your phone. Text, e-mail, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Pinterest, Tumblr, and Just like you use your social media profiles to connect with your friends and family, adoption profiles can be used to connect with potential parents for your baby. Here are just a few features of PregnancyHotline’s adoption profiles that might interest you:

Search. You have a vision for what you want for your life. It makes sense that you would have an idea of what you want your baby’s future to look like. You can use PregnancyHotline’s search tool to find the perfect family for your little one based on region, ethnicity, children in the home, religion, and even whether or not they have pets.

Pictures. Photos allow us to learn about people in ways that simply cannot be conveyed through words. That’s why all great adoption profiles have pictures. Sometimes adoptive parents include photos of their family and friends, and oftentimes they give you pictures of their pets and their home. Pics are a great way to get to know a family.


Videos. Some adoption profiles include a video made by the adoptive parents. Some videos show the couple hanging out in their home and talking about their life, and other videos include lots of shots of the family doing activities together. Hearing a couple’s voice and seeing their expressions in motion can really help you connect with them.

Letter. All families upload a letter written just for you onto their adoption profile. These letters are the key to learning about a family’s background, lifestyle, and the life they want to share with your child. Additionally, these letters can be a great source of encouragement for you. Most families acknowledge how what you’re doing is brave and noble, and many applaud you for your sacrifice and love you’ve shown for your child. So dive into some letters by visiting some adoption profiles.

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