Learning facts about adoption is your first step toward making the best decision as you consider making an adoption plan for you and your baby:
- A woman can make an adoption plan for her baby while she is pregnant, but cannot relinquish her parental rights until at least 48 hours after delivery.
- Women who are currently parenting a baby or child can choose to make an adoption plan for that child, regardless of age.
- Women who are serving jail time or facing longer incarcerations can choose to make a permanent adoption plan for their child or children, rather than place them in the foster care system.
- Making an adoption plan is a loving, responsible, and courageous decision.
- Birth parents can plan confidential, semi-open, or open adoption with a family that they personally choose. They also can specify the degree of post-adoption communication they desire.
- Birth parents who work with accredited adoption agencies can receive assistance with housing, medical care, legal services, and professional counseling – free of charge.
Find out about your options through adoption by speaking with an Options Counselor at Gladney. We're here to listen and to help.
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